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Alcon Research Institute

Woman with microphone and folder, giving a presentation

Alcon Research Institute's annual Steven M. Podos Colloquium and bi-annual Scientific Symposium are attended by elite members of the eye research community and honor outstanding contributors to ophthalmic research throughout the world.

Presenter in front of a display showing a picture of Dr. Steven M. Podos.


The Steven M. Podos Colloquium is the Alcon Research Institute's (ARI) annual scientific meeting aimed at highlighting recent advances in vision research. Typically held concurrently with ARVO or other major research congresses, Podos Colloquium is open to Alcon associates and all ARI members, who are encouraged to invite 2-3 Young Investigators not yet affiliated with ARI to join. During the event, ARI Senior and Young Investigator Grant recipients are announced.

A group photograph of the presenters at the 2022 Colloquium.


The Scientific Symposium is a bi-annual scientific exchange event offering one to one and a half days of scientific lectures in partnership with prominent ophthalmic institutions. Concurrent with the Steven M. Podos Colloquium, the event includes presentations from Senior and Young ARI Grant recipients on their recent discoveries, and the formal giving of ARI Grant plaques.

2024 Steven M. Podos Colloquium & Scientific Symposium Event Details

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4TH - STEPHEN M. PODOS COLLOQUIUM Tune in to experts sharing valuable insights on Advances in Retina.
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5TH - ARI SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM Join a presentation by grant recipients sharing award-winning eyecare research topics.

2024 Steven M. Podos Colloquium & Scientific Symposium
October 3-5, 2024
Fort Worth, TX | Alcon, Schollmaier Auditorium
Steven M. Podos Colloquium Focused Topic: Advances in Retina

For additional information, email the Alcon Research Institute at [email protected].