Alcon Research Institute Events
Alcon Research Institute's annual Steven M. Podos Colloquium and bi-annual Scientific Symposium are attended by elite members of the eye research community and honor outstanding contributors to ophthalmic research throughout the world.

Steven M. Podos Colloquium
The Steven M. Podos Colloquium is the Alcon Research Institute's (ARI) annual scientific meeting aimed at highlighting recent advances in vision research. Typically held concurrently with ARVO or other major research congresses, Podos Colloquium is open to Alcon associates and all ARI members, who are encouraged to invite 2-3 Young Investigators not yet affiliated with ARI to join. During the event, ARI Senior and Young Investigator Grant recipients are announced.

Scientific Symposium
The Scientific Symposium is a bi-annual scientific exchange event offering one to one and a half days of scientific lectures in partnership with prominent ophthalmic institutions. Concurrent with the Steven M. Podos Colloquium, the event includes presentations from Senior and Young ARI Grant recipients on their recent discoveries, and the formal giving of ARI Grant plaques.
ARI welcomes retina experts to 2024 Steven M. Podos Colloquium: Advances in Retina
During an evening at the Alcon Fort Worth campus, these world renowned Podos Colloquium speakers shared insights on surgical delivery of gene and cell therapy, macular therapeutics, OCT and OCTA, retinal gene therapy, and surgical advances.

Moderators: Mark Humayun, MD ARI Chair and Franck Leveiller, PhD ARI, Alcon Executive
Featured Podos Speakers: Allen Ho, MD, Maria Berrocal, MD, Andrew Moshfeghi, MD, Nadia Waheed, MD, MPH, Glenn Yiu, MD, PhD
ARI Scientific Symposium
The ARI also celebrated advancing science through the ARI Scientific Symposium where previous Senior and young investigator research grant recipients presented on their ARI-funded research.

From left to right: Anthony Khawaja, FRCOphth, PhD (Young Investigator 2020); Gulab Zode, PhD (Sr Investigator 2023); Eric Gaier, MD, PhD (Young Investigator 2021); Thanh Hoang, PhD (Young Investigator 2023); Franck Leveiller, PhD (ARI Alcon Executive); Mark Humayun, MD, PhD (ARI Executive Chair 2020-2024); Ajay Kuriyan, MD (Young Investigator 2022); Sun Young Lee, MD, PhD (Young Investigator 2023); Not pictured: Constance Cepko, PhD (Senior Investigator 2018)