Infusing Cutting-Edge Science in a 7-Day Contact Lens
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time to read 5 minutes
Dr. Steve Zhang
Senior Director, Chemical Science
Dr. George Yao
Vice President, Research and Development
Dr. George Yao has led Vision Care R&D at Alcon since 2012. With over 20 years of experience, he holds a Ph.D. in Polymer Science & Engineering from the University of Florida, an MBA in Business Strategy from Emory University, and is an inventor of over 40 patents and author of more than 20 peer-reviewed papers. Working alongside Dr. Yao, Dr. Steve Zhang has spearheaded the launch of three groundbreaking products and played a pivotal role in developing 90% of Alcon's Vision Care pipeline. He holds a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of California, Riverside, and his innovative contributions have earned him prestigious accolades, including the Alcon R&D Brilliance Award and Conner Innovation Award. Dr. Zhang boasts an impressive portfolio of over 100 patents and publications.
Read on to learn more from Dr. Zhang about the science behind Alcon's latest bold innovation in contact lenses.
GY: Can you walk us through the R&D process that gave birth to PRECISION7. What are some of the patient challenges that informed this one-of-a-kind innovation?
SZ: I’ll start with the initial research that came across my desk and brought the concept of a weekly lens into focus. Before the R&D process began, my team was presented with several pieces of research on current unmet needs of patients and Eye Care Professionals (ECPs). The research showed that both patients and ECPs strongly desired a contact lens option with a replacement schedule between a daily disposable lens and a monthly replacement lens.1 This highlighted an innovation gap that required our best and brightest minds to fulfill.
Conducting research of our own, we knew that a weekly lens was long overdue, as nearly 3/4 of surveyed U.S. optometrists who fit contact lenses agreed that a one-week replacement schedule would be more intuitive for their patients versus a two-week replacement schedule.2
Meanwhile, patients also want the best of both worlds – a short replacement schedule2* with innovative technology,3 outstanding comfort,4^ and affordability. With PRECISION7, we deliver on all of the above, thanks to the exceptional sustained-release ACTIV-FLO® System we built into the lens.5-6
I believe that this technology, and its ability to provide 16 hours of outstanding comfort for the full 7-day wear period,4 is what sets PRECISION7 apart.
GY: What is the ACTIV-FLO System, and what makes it so unique?
SZ: PRECISION7 is a first-of-its kind contact lens6 that features ACTIV-FLO Technology. The ACTIV-FLO System is a unique combination of a water-loving moisturizing agent embedded into the lens matrix and a proprietary replenishing agent that is continuously released to moisturize the surface over 7 days.5-6
This permanently bound, water-loving moisturizing agent improves the hydrophilicity of the contact lens material.5-6 “Hydrophilicity” refers to the affinity of a molecule or substance for water. Meanwhile, as soon as the lens is taken out of the packaging solution, the proprietary replenishing agent immediately starts releasing from the core to the surface and moisturizes the lens surface from day 1 through day 7.5-6 I believe that this technology, and its ability to provide 16 hours of outstanding comfort for the full 7-day wear period,4 is what sets PRECISION7 apart.
GY: How was the process of developing the ACTIV-FLO System different from the development of other WaterInnovationsTM contact lenses? What was the greatest challenge in the development of this technology?
SZ: While the ACTIV-FLO System focuses on the controlled release of active ingredients,5-6 the WaterInnovations lenses focus on material surface enhancements. The major challenge of a controlled release system is to guarantee the sustained release of the replenishing agent instead of a “burst” release. We were able to develop a well-engineered replenishing agent tailored specifically for PRECISON7 that releases over time.5-6
GY: From a technological perspective, how is PRECISION7 able to deliver 16 hours of outstanding comfort, even on day 7?
SZ: It’s the material of the lens that enables PRECISION7 to offer such exceptional comfort.4^ PRECISION7 is made from a new silicone hydrogel material, serafilcon A.7 We developed this material to have an incredibly high oxygen permeability,7** which is necessary for healthy contact lens wear.8
The ACTIV-FLO System, which maintains optimum performance from day 1 through day 7,5 also contributes to a comfortable lens-wearing experience.4 When pairing this new serafilcon A material with the ACTIV-FLO System that continues to release the replenishing agent over 7 days,5-6 patients can achieve 16 hours of outstanding comfort, even on the final day of wear.4
GY: You have been at Alcon for over 11 years and are a recipient of the prestigious Alcon R&D Brilliance Award. What about Alcon R&D and your work on contact lenses inspires you?
SZ: I’m a scientist by trade. When I first began working in this industry, I met with investors who did not understand the value behind contact lens technology. They asked me why it takes a tremendous amount of resources to make a small contact lens. At Alcon, a contact lens is extremely innovative – a silicone hydrogel lens allows millions of people around the world to see at different distances. This perspective illustrates why Alcon invested more than $800M in R&D in 20239 and continues to commit funding and resources towards the future of eye care.
Working at Alcon makes me excited to come to work every day, a sentiment my teammates share. Surrounded by great scientific minds, we have the trust and encouragement to build, create and innovate in new ways.
GY: What is your broader vision for the future of contact lenses and innovation at Alcon?
SZ: Our purpose at Alcon is to help people see brilliantly. This ethos inspired PRECISION7 and will guide us into the future. Every day, the world is faced with new eye care challenges, from a rapidly aging population affected by presbyopia10 to a worsening myopia epidemic,11 spurred on by the pandemic and dependency on digital devices.12 We, as scientists, must adapt to meet patient’s evolving needs. My vision for Alcon is to do exactly that by pushing the boundaries of what is scientifically possible.
* Based on a survey of 500 US optometrists who fit contact lenses.
^ Measured at 16 hours.
** Dk/t of 149 @ -3.00D
1. In a survey of 500 eye care practitioners and 500 contact lens wearers in the US; Alcon data on file, 2023.
2. Based on a survey of 500 US optometrists who fit contact lenses; Alcon data on file, 2023.
3. Based on a survey of 500 US bi-weekly contact lens wearers; Alcon data on file, 2023.
4. In a 2-week prospective clinical study in the US; n=181; CLEAR CARE Cleaning & Disinfecting Solution used for cleaning and disinfection; Alcon data on file, 2023.
5. Zheng Y, Dou J, Wang Y, et al. Sustained release of a polymeric wetting agent from a silicone-hydrogel contact lens material. ACS Omega. 2022;7(33):29223-29230. doi: 10.1021/acsomega.2c03310.
6. Phan CM, Chan VWY, Drolle E, et al. Evaluating the in vitro wettability and coefficient of friction of a novel and contemporary reusable silicone hydrogel contact lens materials using an in vitro blink model. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2024.
7. PRECISION7® Instructions for Use.
8. Papas EB. The significance of oxygen during contact lens wear. Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2014 Dec;37(6):394-404. doi: 10.1016/j.clae.2014.07.012. Epub 2014 Aug 16. Erratum in: Cont Lens Anterior Eye. 2015 Oct;38(5):393. PMID: 25139718.
9. Alcon 2023 SI&S annual report.
10. The Prevalence and Demographic Associations of Presenting Near-Vision Impairment Among Adults Living in the United States; American Journal of Ophthalmology VOLUME 174, P134-144, FEBRUARY 2017.
11. Stuart, A. (2021, February 1). Facing the myopia epidemic. American Academy of Ophthalmology. https://www.aao.org/eyenet/article/facing-the-myopia-epidemic
12. Wong CW, Tsai A, Jonas JB, Ohno-Matsui K, Chen J, Ang M, Ting DSW. Digital Screen Time During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Risk for a Further Myopia Boom? Am J Ophthalmol. 2021 Mar;223:333-337. doi: 10.1016/j.ajo.2020.07.034. Epub 2020 Jul 30. PMID: 32738229; PMCID: PMC7390728.
Important information for Product PRECISION7® (serafilcon A) contact lenses: For daily wear or extended wear up to 6 nights for near/far-sightedness. Risk of serious eye problems (i.e., corneal ulcer) is greater for extended wear. In rare cases, loss of vision may result. Side effects like discomfort, mild burning or stinging may occur.
See instructions for use for wear, care, precautions, warnings, contraindications and adverse effects.