Women at Alcon Inspire Inclusion
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7 mins read
Proudest Accomplishment
I can think of a recent one: leading Korea to be Country of the Year for two consecutive years. I’m so proud of the team who executed well with strong ownership and commitment. We are motivated to challenge ourselves to win Country of the Year again, three times in a row!
Challenges Faced as a Female Leader
Leading with kindness and empathy can sometimes be dismissed as focusing on the “soft stuff” or being less efficient. As a woman, I was coached to fit into a specific, often more dominating leadership style to prove something, especially early in my med-tech career. As we continue learning about how critical psychological safety and vulnerability are to successful leadership and high-performing teams, my style and approach are better understood, as is the fact that it was always a false dichotomy; being kind and being result-driven are not opposite traits.
What inspired you to join Alcon?
The positive impact on people’s lives we make at Alcon. During the interview stage, I watched a video from a cataract patient who described her moment after the implantation of intraocular lenses. Her facial expression and her words stay in my mind still. When I learnt about the Phaco Development efforts to train doctors in several emerging markets, I felt a strong sense of social value for what I could contribute at Alcon. This feeling also came across vividly in my interviews, which reassured me of the choice to join Alcon and be part of the team.
What is your most memorable moment at Alcon?
Collaborating with our R&D colleagues and global counterparts and engaging in product evaluations. Moreover, seeing the delight of our customers and the dedication of our teams during these activities have fueled my passion for innovation and teamwork and has made me feel proud to be at Alcon.
What inspired you to join Alcon?
I was inspired to join Alcon because of the amount of annual investment Alcon put toward R&D and the investment Alcon put into employees through the retirement plan. I wanted a company that had a bright future for new products and that invested in associates.
Challenges Faced as a Female Leader
Sometimes, I realize the main challenges I face are linked to the limitations I impose on myself. “Will I succeed at this project if I can’t control it? Should I try connecting with a person even if we don’t have projects in common?” The moment you realize your own biases, you can begin working on them. For me, self-awareness remains the most powerful asset to fight against biases and other challenges.
My superpowers include emotional intuition, which allows me to understand and anticipate my team's needs, and efficiency, which is vital for balancing professional responsibilities with my personal life, especially after becoming a mother.
How do you inspire inclusion?
Actions are everything, and I’m a perpetual student. It is important as a leader I listen more than I talk and work to create an environment and culture where everyone can feel they can be themselves—and this starts with me. On my team, we have worked to get to know each other, build trust, understand each other’s differences, and respect those differences. I rely on Alcon’s Employee Resource Groups as a great resource for me and my team.
Important Qualities of a Leader
For me, being a leader means being able to help your team achieve their goals, both at a business level and in terms of personal and professional development. It involves transmitting and providing them with a set of values and tools that assist and help them to grow and achieve their aspirations. A leader is someone who knows how to enhance collaboration, possesses a 360º business vision, and works closely with their team.
Most Rewarding Part of Being a Female Leader
As a Latina and female leader, the ability to inspire and make others believe it’s possible to achieve their dreams.
Proudest Accomplishment
After having my children and making the decision to stay home, I didn’t re-enter the workforce until I was close to 40. Through hard work, great leadership and some luck, I’ve achieved a level of career success and fulfillment that I hadn’t imagined.
What inspired you to join Alcon?
Alcon’s mission to help people see brilliantly, as well as the innovation and services we offer that help address unmet patient needs. There are three generations of glaucoma, a sight-stealing disease, in my family and I was inspired to join a company that is impacting patient outcomes in this space.
My superpowers are my high energy and appreciation for liking who I am: a researcher, a female leader, a mum, a stranger in a self-chosen citizenry. It let me develop differentiated perspectives and value my family, job, and community.
What is your most memorable moment at Alcon?
The most memorable moment for me was when I moved from the marketing department to another department. At that time, I shared with my colleagues many memories of what I had accomplished in the Marketing Department for six years, what made me happy, what I struggled for, what I found worthwhile. I was very moved and wanted to share this experience with them.
What is the most rewarding part of being a female leader?
The most rewarding part of being a female leader is that I never felt any limitations in exercising the role thanks to a supportive and respectful environment.
Challenges Faced as a Female Leader
Historically, when working with new vendors or customers, I was underestimated and it was often assumed I was a trainee or junior associate. When I shared my role and title, the response was often something like, “Well good for you! “. Now, I have a magnet on my fridge commemorating the experience: a woman from the 50s saying, “Go ahead and underestimate me. That will be fun!”
What inspired you to join Alcon?
The people I met. They made me realize clearly that I wanted to join Alcon. Since then, I have been surrounded by great people.
Important Qualities of a Leader
The best leaders build strong collaboration and trust across teams. We dare to achieve new and exceptional goals. Yet, to be successful, we will have times of anxiety, stress, and fear. To push ourselves outside our comfort zone, we need the trust and collaboration of colleagues: a sounding board, a new insight, or a partner on a difficult path. In the end, the best leaders build strong teams.
Important Qualities of a Leader
Without a doubt, the foremost qualities I have seen and replicated are empathy, authenticity and courage. Empathy enables you to feel the room, meet people where they are, and gauge the necessary pace. Authenticity opens the door for everyone around you to be themselves, and when we bring our real selves to work, there are endless possibilities. And I think of courage as being defined as “not the absence of fear, but being afraid, and doing it anyway.”
How do you inspire inclusion?
I try to make sure everyone has a voice and feels heard. I also try to recognize and celebrate differences.